Returning “home” to Singapore
This week, I’m returning to my former “home”, Singapore. It’s been over 7 months since I left Singapore and I had been missing it so much. Returning after only 7 months is nice because things haven’t changed so much here yet that I feel like I’ve lost touch. Most of the friends I had are still here, and I’ve even been able to crash at my old flat, so I’m truly feeling like I’ve returned home.
When I am in Vancouver, Singapore seems like a dream, so long ago, but back in the stifling steamy heat of Singapore, I feel like I’ve never left!
But Singapore doesn’t slow down. What’s changed in 7 months? Jewel, the new shopping centre with an indoor waterfall has opened, more condos have gone up, including the one next to my old flat which has gone up ridiculously fast considering they hadn’t even broken ground when I left, and more friends are planning to come and go. Such is life on this beautiful tropical dot.